What is Cystic Acne?

What is Cystic Acne

Acne – a tough but common skin condition. These bumps vary from barely there to angry, large, and red. Today we’ll be talking about the hardest to deal with – cystic acne. Cystic acne is one of the more severe types of acne, the pores in your skin become blocked and there’s a deep infection inside your pores.

Cystic acne rarely surfaces into a white head, often staying as a painful large red bump. A large majority of people experience cystic acne, even as an adult. It may not be often but people can have cystic acne especially during hormone changes. It can’t be treated as easily as the other types of acne – and often it resurfaces in the same areas.

Because of its’ severity, cystic acne takes much longer to self-heal, lasting anywhere from 1 – 4 weeks. It’s best to leave these big guys alone because touching them will likely make it worse and/or leave a scar (guilty as charged). We will be talking about what causes this cystic acne and how to deal with cystic acne.

What causes these difficult bumps?

Like all acne, the answer varies from person to person. Stress, hormones, diets, skincare products, and so forth can all be causing or trigger cystic acne. But, more likely it can be genetics that makes us more susceptible to cystic breakouts.

How to deal with cystic acne?

Avoid washing your face for more than twice a day, do not scrub harshly when washing, leave them alone, try to use heavy make up.

Home Remedies

  1. Soft Vinegar Cleanser: Mix vinegar to water 1:3 and cleanse the face using this mixture. Vinegar is great for cleansing the skin.
  2. Don’t touch your face!
  3. Eat more probiotics.